融合创新 驱动未来——第七届中国长垣国际起重装备博览交易会盛大开幕!
作者:国茂减速机来源:国茂股份发表时间:2021-04-27浏览: 次
The 7th Changyuan(China)International Hosting Machinery Exhibition has been held at 9 am on April 26th.The exhibition will last for three days from April 26, 2021 to April 28, 2021.The scale of the exhibition reached 22,400 square meters, the manufacturing enterprises jointly show the new technology, new products, new applications in the lifting intelligent manufacturing industry.
SK4 Helical Bevel Geared motor
扭矩范围 440-20,000Nm
速比范围 i=7.1-9000
电机功率 0.12-90kw
机型 2-9
SI4 Inline Gear motor
扭矩范围 200-25,000Nm
速比范围 i=2.8-10000
电机功率 0.12-90kw
机型 1-9
SP4 Parallel Shaft Helical Geared Motor
扭矩范围 200-15,000Nm
速比范围 i=3.15-10000
电机功率 0.12-90kw
机型 1-8
CZ08 Gear Box
速比范围 i=5-140
扭矩范围 6300-94,000Nm
机型 9种
GNORD品牌隶属于美国Acorn Industrial Corporation,总部位于美国,生产基地位于江苏常州,具有对各类传动领域及高精密部件设计、研发、生产、营销、服务的全方位能力。主要面向全球高端传动市场,以其高水准的产品研发、制造能力,专注于为中高端工业品牌客户提供多领域产品及全方位服务。
GNORD is affiliated with Acorn Industrial Corporation with headquarters in America and its production base in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. GNORD is fully capable of designing, developing, producing, marketing, and serving various transmission fields with high-precision components. GNORD mainly focuses on the premium power transmission market. It provides various products and a full range of services to high-end industrial customers with its exceptional levels of product research , development and manufacturing capacity.
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